Acrollage painting is the transcending evolution of a mixed media combination of acrylic paint, paper, and a form of printmaking. This technique is achieved by layering glazes of luminous colors with encapsulating rice and imaged paper. The blending of fermenting surfaces and stenciled patterns attains the luxurious paint and textures, which enhances the dramatic intensity of the images. The sensitive and complex simplicity creates a more formal graphic composition and the strength in balance, and the depth of color produces a striking impression, a plastic effect that allows a painting to engage the viewer.
This technique permits me to effectively translate my subjects and physically construct the elements in my painting. The medium turns ordinary objects into vehicles loaded with meaning, translates physical beauty into a more elegant form and elevates the ordinary into iconic stature, which in turn produces a powerful modern symbolic image.
The imagery evokes a range of symbolic themes, and employs a new vocabulary of classical and urban origin. The empowerment of the mystical and emotional evolves from the act of their own creation and defines a distinctive quality and presents traditions of the past, while representing the voice of a new generation. The iconographic mission is to build bridges between cultures using the universal spirit.